Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mungkin nanti

sumber gambar : Google Image

mungkin nanti
apabila masanya tiba
kau sendiri
akan rasa
apa itu
erti kehidupan

yang kau sendiri
tak tegar
untuk laluinya

pesan aku
lalui kehidupan
like a boss
dan masa tu
kau akan tahu
kuatnya kau

pada diri
itu penting.

"He learned how to stand on his own feet. Someday somewhat I'll stand on my own. but now, I need support from my parents, my siblings, family and friends. Isn't that easy to stand alone with no one who'll guide you through. Like looking in a mirror and try to reflect yourself, not what you see physically but, what is in your inner side."

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